Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:48 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
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100 KB
Ac-tions ar-e left be-hind nev-er t-o change th-e sig-nal 'cause it's beau-ti-ful Life in a daze your dry sock-ets g-o blind from ex-po-sure it's so beau-ti-ful I've been need-ing time to breathe since I was zer-o I've go-t a case ag-ainst peo-ple wh-o waste all their po-wer as their spoo-n-f-e-d The way yo-u sell faith how 'bout sell-ing so-me ta-ste Prea-ch-e-r fa-k-e-r Ex-ce-pt I for-g-o-t the At-om-ic souls to save Rev-el in all the ga-me Nev-er is one to gain bett-er? It's all the sa-m-e yeah On-ce you were A-live More to see to-night It's a strange en-joy-ment for a-ll Strange en-joy-ment for a-ll Strange e-n-j-o-y-ment f-o-r a-ll Strange en-joy-ment for a-ll
This tab was created using the following software:
Guitar Pro 5.2
Amazing Slow Downer 3.2.3
This tab has NOT been optimised to be played back
with the RSE - if you use the RSE you may need to
tweak the volume levels etc. to suit your own
Update History:
[ 22nd January 2011 ]
* Tab completed.