Valley Of The Damned

by DragonForce

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 4:39 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Valley Of The Damned

Song Author

Sam Totman, ZP Theart

Tabbed by

Knightrider of Doom


1st → Drums
2nd → Lead Vocals
3rd → Lead Guitar 1
4th → Backing Vocals
5th → Rhythm Guitar 1
6th → Lead Guitar 2
7th → Bass Guitar
8th → Rhythm Guitar 2
9th → Keyboard 2
10th → Keyboard 1

File Size

255 KB




[Verse 1] On a cold dark win-ter night hid-den by a stor-my light A batt-le ra-ges for the right for what will be-come. In the val-ley of the damned a war-rior with sword in hand Tra-vels fast a-cross the land for free-dom he rides. And the sign from the mas-ter on high screams a-loud and a-cross hear the cry For the king-dom of fi-re and ice and the power to be a-live. Be strong, ride on, ca-rry on through the war. Come a-long ca-rry on, liv-ing for e-ver more. [Pre-Chorus] On the wings of death by the hands of doom, By the dark- est light from the dark-est moon. Cross-ing si-lent seas o-ver moun-tains high For we stand as one to-night. [Chorus] On the black wind for-e-ver we ride on to-ge-ther, De-stroy-ing your e-vil with free-dom our guide. When the mas-ter will storm us He'll stand high be-fore us, Our hearts filled with splen-dour Our swords will shine o-ver the light. [Verse 2] In the vall-ey of the damned Days breaks with gol- den strand. O- ver pas-tures green it glows To where night re-turns. In the sha-dows fa-ces a-ppear: War-ri-ors wear-ing full me-tal gear. All join to-geth-er one and all Be-fore the glo-ri-ous light. Rise up, ga-ther a-round, Come and hear what is said. Use your sen-ses o-pen your mind, Don't you e-ver for-get. [Pre-Chorus] On the wings of life, by the hands of hope, By the brigh-test light from the brigh-test sun. Cross-ing si-lent seas o-ver moun-tains high To the vall-ey of the da- mned. [Chorus] On the black wind for-e-ver we ride on to-ge-ther, De-stroy-ing your e-vil with free-dom our guide. When the mas-ter will storm us He'll stand high be-fore us, Our hearts filled with splen-dour, Our swords will shine o-ver the light. [Chorus] On the black wind for-e-ver we ride on to-ge-ther, De-stroy-ing your e-vil with free-dom our guide. When the mas-ter will storm us He'll stand high be-fore us, Our hearts filled with splen-dour, Our swords will shine o-ver... [Out-Chorus] The black wind for-e-ver we ride on to-ge-ther, De-stroy-ing your e-vil with free-dom our guide. When the mas-ter will storm us He'll stand high be-fore us, Our hearts filled with splen-dour, Our swords will shine o-ver the light.


V 1.2 by MP Speed corrected (from 100 bpm and 8th-rythm to 200 bpm and 4th-rythm) Lyrics added to vocal track logic color and instrument system [09.04.2008] V 1.1 [30.03.04]