
by Disturbed

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:55 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by

Kwonnie - kwonnie@live.com


1st → Left Guitar
2nd → Bass Guitar
3rd → Right Guitar
4th → Extra Guitar
5th → Percussion
6th → FX / Sequencer
7th → Synth / Keyboard
8th → Vocals

File Size

79 KB




I stand on the brink of your mind Li-ving in-side a night-mare from which I just can-not a-wa-ken Stand on the edge of your life Just give me a-no-ther mo-ment From which I will ne-ver a-wa-ken Stand on the brink of my own de-mise Fal-len a-gain for a-no-ther Mis-tress of bur-den To i-do-lize Ho-ping that one of them will de-cide To let me in To stand on the edge of the knife Cut-ting through the night-mare from which I just can-not a-wa-ken Stand on the edge of the night Li-ving in-side a mo-ment From which I will ne-ver a-wa-ken Stand on the brink of my own de-mise Fal-len a-gain for a-no-ther Mis-tress of bur-den To i-do-lize Ho-ping that one of them will de-cide To let me in Look at what you've done to me You've be-come my e-ne-my Po-i-son-ing the world for me Take a-way my e-very-thing Wea-kened as I am A-wa-ken Stand on the brink of my own de-mise Fal-len a-gain for a-no-ther Mis-tress of bur-den To i-do-lize Ho-ping that one of them will de-cide To let me in De-cide to let me in De-cide to let me in