Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:48 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
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A-no-ther mis-sion the po-wers have called me a-way
A-no-ther time to car-ry the co-lors a-gain
My mo-ti-va-tion an oath I've sworn to de-fend
To win the ho-nor of co-ming back home a-gain
No ex-pla-na-tion will mat-ter a-fter we be-gin
Un-lock the dark de-stroy-er that's bu-ried with-in
My true vo-ca-tion and now my un-for-tu-nate friend
You will di-sco-ver a war you're un-a-ble to win
I'll have you know
That I've be-come
De-ter-mi-na-tion that is in-cor-rup-ti-ble
From the o-ther side a ter-ror to be-hold
An-ni-hi-la-tion will be un-a-void-a-ble
E-very bro-ken e-ne-my will know
That their op-po-nent had to be in-vin-ci-ble
Take a last look a-round while you're a-live
I'm an in-de-struct-i-ble
Ma-ster of war
A-no-ther rea-son a-no-ther cause for me to fight
A-no-ther fuse un-co-vered now for me to light
My de-di-ca-tion to all that I've sworn to pro-tect
I car-ry out my or-ders with-out a re-gret
My de-cla-ra-tion em-bed-ded deep un-der my skin
A per-ma-nent re-min-der of how it be-gan
No he-si-ta-tion when I am com-man-ded to strike
You need to know that you're in for the fight of your life
You will be shown
How I've be-come
De-ter-mi-na-tion that is in-cor-rup-ti-ble
From the o-ther side a ter-ror to be-hold
An-ni-hi-la-tion will be un-a-void-a-ble
E-very bro-ken e-ne-my will know
That their op-po-nent had to be in-vin-ci-ble
Take a last look a-round while you're a-live
I'm an in-de-struct-i-ble
Ma-ster of war
De-ter-mi-na-tion that is in-cor-rup-ti-ble
From the o-ther side a ter-ror to be-hold
An-ni-hi-la-tion will be un-a-void-a-ble
E-very bro-ken e-ne-my will know
That their op-po-nent had to be in-vin-ci-ble
Take a last look a-round while you're a-live
I am in-de-struct-i-ble
De-ter-mi-na-tion that is in-cor-rup-ti-ble
From the o-ther side a ter-ror to be-hold
An-ni-hi-la-tion will be un-a-void-a-ble
E-very bro-ken e-ne-my will know
That their op-po-nent had to be in-vin-ci-ble
Take a last look a-round while you're a-live
I'm an in-de-struct-i-ble
Ma-ster of war