
by Disturbed

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:57 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by

Kwonnie - kwonnie@live.com


1st → Synth / Keyboard III
2nd → Synth / Keyboard III
3rd → Left Guitar
4th → Bass Guitar
5th → Right Guitar
6th → Center Guitar
7th → Percussion
8th → Synth / Keyboard I
9th → Extra Guitar
10th → Synth / Keyboard II
11th → Synth / Keyboard II

File Size

161 KB




You're bro-ken, so am I I'm bet-ter off a-lone No one to turn to and no-thing to call my own Out-spo-ken, so am I Ex-plo-sive words that your world would-n't un-der-stand Turn a-way a-gain You're bea-ten, so am I I've got a heart of stone No me-di-ca-tion can cure what has ta-ken hold You're hur-ting, so will I When I a-wake and re-mem-ber why I've been run-ning from your World Dis-ho-nored by your world Your world I'm haun-ted by your world My blood is cold as ice Or so I have been told Show no e-mo-tion, and it can de-stroy your soul Another sa-cri-fice To a tor-men-tor your world would-n't un-der-stand Turn a-way a-gain You're an-gered, so am I A thou-sand fi-res burn A land of dark-ness from which I can-not re-turn You're a-ching, so will I When I a-wake and di-sco-ver that I have been da-maged by your World Dis-ho-nored by your world Your world I'm haun-ted by your world You're frigh-tened, so am I A world of de-mons wait Wa-tching the move-ments and fil-ling my heart with hate You're bur-ning, so will I When I a-wake and dis-co-ver how I have been ra-vaged by your World Dis-ho-nored by your world Your world I'm haun-ted by your world