Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 6:21 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
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No one knows just what has be-come of her
Shat-tered doll des-per-rate oh so
inn-o-cent and del-i-cate but too damn
ob-dur-ate and ob-sti-nate to let go
Brok-en down hurt ag-ain it ne-ver ends
Fright-ened and trem- bling did she
fall ag-ain an acc-i-dent her eyes
en-circ-led and black ag-ain I can't
be-lieve that she's stlil with him
For how long will you try?
How long un-til you walk aw-ay?
Your fa-cade can't dis-guise
the fact that you're in mi-ser-y
Look in-side see what has be-come of her
Hi-ding with- in ag-ain
Can she pick her-self up ag-ain?
It's just too diff-i-cult and ar-du-os to let go
Ho-mo-cide flash-es through her mind ag-ain
No more pain take control
If he rais-es his hand ag-ain
She'll find the free-dom in kill-ing him
The world will see that she's had en-ough
For how long will you try?
How long un-til you walk aw-ay?
Your fa-cade can't dis-guise
the fact that you're in mi-ser-y
For how long will your try?
How long un-til you walk aw-ay
From the look in your eyes
I know you bleed in-ter-na-lly
For how long you'll deny
How long un-til you walk aw-ay?
Your fa-cade can't dis-guise
the fact that you're in mi-ser-y
For how long will your try?
How long un-til you walk aw-ay
From the look in your eyes
I know you bleed in-ter-na-lly
Bro-ken down and hurt ag-ain it ne-ver ends
ne-ver ends ne-ver ends ne-ver ends ne-ver ends