
by Disturbed

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:06 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by

Kwonnie - kwonnie@live.com


1st → Left Guitar
2nd → Bass Guitar
3rd → Right Guitar
4th → Center Guitar
5th → Percussion
6th → Backup Vocals
7th → Lead Vocals

File Size

95 KB




We don't want them, who want e-very-thing And we've sto-len in this suf-fe-ring And we've told them to want e-very-thing But use cau-tion in what you be-lieve And the haun-ted, de-ny e-very-thing Con-trol-ling in this suf-fe-ring When they're b-ro-ken, and lost e-very-thing They're so much ea-si-er to lead Take their hope a-way Take their life a-way Leave them no-thing left in-side When your own have died When there's no more pride When your soul is fro-zen Is that e-nough? When your heart is bro-ken A thou-sand times With e-very mo-ment? Is that e-nough? With-out war-ning, we take e-very-thing Un-daun-ted in this suf-fe-ring The dark for-ces sur-round e-very-thing Make it im-pos-si-ble to see Take their hope a-way Take their life a-way Leave them no-thing left in-side When your own have died When there's no more pride When your soul is fro-zen Is that e-nough? When your heart is bro-ken A thou-sand times With e-very mo-ment? Is that e-nough? Did they e-ven have a rea-son why Count-less sons and daugh-ters had to die Can you e-ven com-pre-hend the pain Tell me when your Own have died When there's no more pride When your soul is fro-zen Is that e-nough? When your heart is bro-ken A thou-sand times With e-very mo-ment? Is that e-nough? When your own have died When there's no more pride When your soul is fro-zen Is that e-nough? When your heart is bro-ken A thou-sand times With e-very mo-ment? Is that e-nough?