
by Disturbed

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:17 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by

Kwonnie - kwonnie@live.com


1st → Left Rhythm Guitar
2nd → Bass Guitar
3rd → Right Rhythm Guitar
4th → Left Lead Guitar
5th → Percussion
6th → Center Guitar
7th → Right Lead Guitar
8th → Vocals

File Size

88 KB




I want to tear a big hole in what is to be, To end all this in-fa-tu-a-tion with u-ni-ty, I'm see-king my sal-va-tion a-lone a-gain, I ne-ver nee-ded to be one of you a-ny-way Don't wan-na be a-no-ther pla-yer lo-sing in this game I'm try-ing to im-press u-pon you We're not the same My own in-di-vi-du-a-li-ty is so u-nique, I'm one im-pres-sive mo-ther-fu-cker Now, would-n't you say Di-vide, di-vide, di-vide, di-vide You might say that I'm the last man stan-ding now, And though you try, you'll ne-ver find a way to You might say that I'm sick of be-ing lost in the crowd, I hear the si-rens but they're ne-ver gon-na I am a lit-tle more pro-vo-ca-tive then you might need, It is your shock and then your hor-ror on which I feed So can you tell me what e-xac-tly does f-ree-dom mean, If I'm not free to be as Don't wan-na be a-no-ther pla-yer lo-sing in this game I'm try-ing to im-press u-pon you We're not the same My psy-cho-tic men-ta-li-ty is so u-nique I'm one ag-gres-sive mo-ther-fu-cker Now, would-n't you say Di-vide, di-vide, di-vide, di-vide You might say that I'm the last man stan-ding now, And though you try, you'll ne-ver find a way to You might say that I'm sick of be-ing lost in the crowd, I hear the si-rens but they're ne-ver gon-na take me Di-vide, di-vide, di-vide, di-vide Di-vide, di-vide, break a-part and di-vide Di-vide, di-vide, di-vide, di-vide Di-vide, di-vide, break a-part and Di-vide, di-vide, di-vide, di-vide Di-vide, di-vide, break a-part and di-vide Di-vide, di-vide, di-vide, di-vide Di-vide, di-vide, di-vide, di-vide