Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 12:25 p.m.
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So let the war be-gin
You're far from in-no-cent
Hell I just don't know where it will end
You are the one to blame
You made a ha-bit of
Fuc-king up my life
A-no-ther fal-la-cy
Is laid in front of me
Now I just don't know
What to be-lieve
A-no-ther a-ni-mal
Sent to de-vo-ur
What-e-ver's left in-side
I know now
It's all been a lie
And I'll ne-ver come to know why
A-woke to di-sco-ver
You lea-ving me now
It's all been a lie
I don't e-ver want to know why
You've ma-stered the art of
De-cei-ving me now
A mor-tal e-ne-my
Has been re-vealed in me
How come I was-n't a-ble to see
A-no-ther vam-pi-re
Get-ting their fix f-rom
Suc-king up my life
An e-vil en-ti-ty
Had ta-ken hold of me
Ripped out my heart and star-ted to feed
I still re-mem-ber when
I thought that all you were
Eat-ing was my pride
I know now
It's all been a lie
And I'll ne-ver come to know why
A-woke to di-sco-ver
You lea-ving me now
It's all been a lie
I don't e-ver want to know why
You've ma-stered the art of
De-cei-ving me now
It's all been a lie
And I'll ne-ver come to know why
A-woke to di-sco-ver
You lea-ving me now
It's all been a lie
I don't e-ver want to know why
You've ma-stered the art of
De-cei-ving me now