Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:06 p.m.
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Cri-mi-nal, the suf-fe-ring
It makes me think like a
Cri-mi-nal, the suf-fe-ring
When we're a-lone
Cri-mi-nal, the suf-fe-ring
It makes me feel like a
Cri-mi-nal, the suf-fe-ring
When we're a-lone
Ty-pi-cal e-nough for me
That I burn in-side in a-go-ny
What po-wer will e-na-ble me
To bu-ry my vi-sion
The hun-ger co-ming o-ver me
As I learn to hide the a-go-ny
To make a fi-nal re-me-dy
To close the door once and for all
In a world that I don't want to know
With a mes-sage that I ne-ver want to send
To be free from all of this
I want you to quic-ken my end
Don't tell me I can not go
With a wound that re-fu-ses to mend
De-li-ver me from all of this
I want you to quic-ken my end
Ter-ri-ble and crip-pl-ing
The pain is much more than
Phy-si-cal be-yond be-lief
When we're a-lone
Ty-pi-cal e-nough for me
And I burn in-side in a-go-ny
What po-wer will e-na-ble me
To make this de-ci-sion
De-spair has fal-len o-ver me
No way to hide the a-go-ny
Em-bra-cing my ca-la-mi-ty
To save my-self once and for all
In a world that I don't want to know
With a mes-sage that I ne-ver want to send
To be free from all of this
I want you to quic-ken my end
Don't tell me I can not go
With a wound that re-fu-ses to mend
De-li-ver me from all of this
I want you to quic-ken my end
Now you want to know
You want a name
You want to call me mo-ther-fuc-ker
Now you want to know
You want a name
You want to say it does-n't mat-ter
Now you want to know
You want a name
You want to call me mo-ther-fuc-ker
Now you want to know
You want a name
You want to say it does-n't mat-ter
Now that you wan-na know
Now you wan-na name
Now you wan-na place
Now you wan-na time
Now you want it all
Now that you wan-na know
Now you wan-na name
Now you wan-na place
Now you wan-na time
Now you want it all
In a world that I don't want to know
With a mes-sage that I ne-ver want to send
To be free from all of this
I want you to quic-ken my end
Don't tell me I can not go
With a wound that re-fu-ses to mend
De-li-ver me from all of this
I want you to quic-ken my end
Don't say that it is-n't so
I'm on a path that you'll ne-ver com-pre-hend
Set me free from all of this
I need you to quic-ken my end