
by Disturbed

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:24 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by

Kwonnie -


1st → Left Guitar
2nd → Bass Guitar
3rd → Right Guitar
4th → Left Lead Guitar
5th → Percussion
6th → Center Guitar
7th → Right Lead Guitar
8th → Synth / Keyboard II
9th → Synth / Keyboard I

File Size

123 KB




Re-lease me No rem-n-ants were ever found of it Dea-ling the heart bi-le With e-very fake smi-le Though no e-vi-dence was e-ver found It ne-ver went a-way com-plete-ly I tried to wel-come The un-holy sound of it A-no-ther day gone A-no-ther night�s drawn Dark for-ces pull me un-der-ground They ne-ver went a-way com-plete-ly How can i feel this em-pty? I will not re-co-ver this time This lone-li-ness is kil-ling me Will I ne-ver know a peace of mind a-gain? I don�t be-lieve it I can�t a-chieve it I think you know it�s just a-no-ther sign That ne-ver went a-way com-plete-ly Ter-ror is cour-sing in me Drea-ding the fi-nal mo-ments, when I have to breathe And feel you die In a-sy-lum I live a lie Don�t you know I�m in love with you And I was-n�t rea-dy For a-sy-lum We live a lie To let go, now it�s drag-ging me in-to your grave Your a-sy-lum For-get the lie I'm o-ver-come By the fee-ling that I won't get to join you in time, And the lone-li-ness is kil-ling me Dead i-ma-ges are all a-round a-gain They�re right be-hind me, they�re gon-na find me Judg-ment from the im-mor-tal sin That had en-ve-loped me com-plete-ly I know I�ll ne-ver know a peace-ful night a-gain A-fraid they�ll hear me, they don�t fear me Pu-nish-ment for the im-moral crime The debt was ne-ver payed com-plete-ly Ter-ror is cour-sing in me Drea-ding the fi-nal mo-ments, when I have to breathe And feel you die In a-sy-lum I live a lie Don�t you know I�m in love with you And I was-n�t rea-dy For a-sy-lum We live a lie To let go, now it�s drag-ging me in-to your grave Your a-sy-lum For-get the lie I'm o-ver-come By the fee-ling that I won't get to join you in time, And the lone-li-ness is kil-ling me! In the end you may ques-tion your be-lief In the end you will re-a-lize fi-nal-ly how you are saved This has gone on too long No more de-mo-nic dreams Des-tro-yer, come to light Be-cause the me-mory is kil-ling me In a-sy-lum I live a lie I let go, now it�s drag-ging me in-to your grave Your a-sy-lum! We live a lie O-ver-come By the fee-ling that I won't get to join you in time This world is not ful-fil-ling me Don�t want to live in a-sy-lum I'll live a lie Don�t want to live in a-sy-lum I'll live a lie Don�t want to live in a-sy-lum I'll live a lie