Arsonists vs. firemen

by Disco Ensemble

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 5:13 p.m. ← Back

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Tabbed by



1st → Lasse - Bass
2nd → Jussi - Guitar
3rd → Mikka - Vox
4th → Mikko - Drums

File Size

55 KB




I have se-en your soul The soul that shone its light for all the grave I have se-en your stare The stare that set our at-tics in-to flames I thought you pro-mised me you'd live e-ter-na-lly But may-be that was just a phase, you dra-ma queen In a fight who you think wi-ns, ar-so-nists or fi-re-me-n? I would do a-ny-thing to hear your voice just once a-gain. I have se-en your soul The soul that shone its light for all the grave Wi-ther a-wa-y I have se-en your stare The stare that set our at-tics in-to flames Wi-ther a-way You'd make no com-pro-mise Lit sparks in-to my eyes You're a beau-ti-ful piece of wea-pon-ry An ar-so-nist to set a blaze A fi-re-man to kill the flames I would do a-ny-thing to hear your voice just once a-gain. I have se-en your soul The soul that shone its light for all the grave Wi-ther a-wa-y I have se-en your stare The stare that set our at-tics in-to flames Wi-ther a-wa-y I thought you pro-mised me you'd live e-ter-na-lly But you could sleep a hun-dred years or e-ven more And now that we're all fucked and we are run-ning out of luck I get no rest un-til I hear your voice a-gain I have se-en your soul The soul that shone its light for all the grave Wi-ther a-wa-y I have se-en your stare The stare that set our at-tics in-to flames Wi-ther a-wa-y Wi-ther a-wa-y Wi-the-er a-a-way-y x Wi-ther a-way


-guitar was done by Antti Loponen -in the intro I used Lasse's track to write Mikka's synth because it was useless to make another track only for that little bit -voice isn't perfect I guess...