Game On

by Disciple

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:56 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Scars Remain

Song Author


Tabbed by

Colton Wood


1st → Electric Guitar 1
2nd → Electric Guitar 3
3rd → Electric Guitar 2
4th → Percussion
5th → Electric Bass

File Size

59 KB




2/2 time signature still gets the same value as 4/4, except instead of it being 4 quarter notes per bar, it's 2 half notes per bar. You know, because this song has that fake-out half time feel! And I couldn't just slow up the tempo because then the tab wouldn't be as easy to understand, especially the drums. Trust me on this one. And for mor justification, if you were being led by a conductor, there is no way that the conductor would be able to conduct currectly at that speed. Oops, accidentally switched up the voices again... Crap. Oh well, it shouldn't bother anyone, since it really doesn't make a difference if each voice is equal. Don't get upset about all the slides! At least don't get upset at me... It's not like a wrote the song! Disciple put a million slides in there, so go complain to them. If you think I did something wrong, please send my your correction to my Ultimate Guitar inbox.