
by Delirious

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:04 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Audio Lessonover?

Song Author

Martin Smith

Tabbed by

by Ben Markos


1st → Vocals
2nd → Stu G.
3rd → Martin Smith
4th → Tim Jupp
5th → Third Guitar
6th → Stew Smith
7th → Jon Thatcher

File Size

45 KB




I feel stran-ger in this land, where ev-ery step the gods com-mand, I breathe. And child-ren wan-der fa-ther-less, through fields that spent their hap-pi-ness. I grieve, Take them a-wa-y to a high-er place. Give me a da-y 'cos I'm los-ing (face) And I've ne-ver felt so a-li-en. Yes I've ne-ver felt so a-li-en. And I�ve ne-ver felt so a-li-en. Yes I�ve ne-ver felt so a-li-en. I feel dang-er ev-ery day, with ev-ery stone we throw a-way. Care-ful it's fall-ing. And who will sing a diffe-rent song? I hope to God it won't be long. Be-lieve. Show me a-wa-y to a high-er place. Why is there sun-shine on my guil-ty face? And I've ne-ver felt so a-li-en. Yes I've ne-ver felt so a-li-en. And I�ve ne--ver -felt -so -a-li-en. Yes I ne-ver... ne-ver... ne-ver... ah Ne-ver felt so a-li-en YesI've ne-ver felt like this And I've ne--ver -felt -so -a-li-en Yes I've ne-ver ne-ver ne-ver ne-ver --- Yes you are brigh-ter than the sun. On-ly your love can make us one. Jesus you are brigh-ter than the sun. Only your love.