Trojan Horse

by Bloc Party

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Jan. 25, 2012, 9:33 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Bloc Party

Tabbed by

Josh Graham


1st → Kele Okereke
2nd → Russell Lissack
3rd → Matt Tongn
4th → Russell - Pitch Shift
5th → Gordon Moakes
6th → Kele Vocals #2
7th → Kele Vocals #1

File Size

58 KB




You used to take your watch off be-fore we m-ade love You did-n't want to share our tim-e with a-ny-one You used to close your ey-es when we kissed good-bye You did-n't want to see me draped in sad-ness And now there's no-thing here, now there's no-thing here at a-ll In the loft con-ver-sion off new north ro-ad And now there's no-thing here, now there's no-thing here at a-ll You were here, I was here, there was some-thing re-al he-re I know there was know I still a-dore y-ou But in a diff-erent kind of way You know I still a-dore y-o-u But things have got-ten va-gue But ba-by I don-'t ask for much But things have got-ten con-ven-ie-nt oh You know I still a-dore y-o-u But things have kind of chang-ed To think I laughed at y-ou for how you saw the world With all that em-pty spa-ce in-side yo-ur heart I have to cling to things now, dou-bles and cig-a-rettes For-ev-er tryin to find you on the l-ips of some-one else know I still a-dore y-ou But in a diff-erent kind of way You know I still a-dore y-o-u But things have got-ten va-gue But ba-by I don-'t ask for much But things have got-ten con-ven-ie-nt oh You know I still a-dore y-o-u But things have kind of chang-ed Just take me ba-ck To the st-art When your earth-quake was just cr-acks You must ask your-s-elf E-very d-ay Just how hi-gh are the hi-ghs