
by Bloc Party

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Jan. 25, 2012, 9:24 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


A Weekend In the City B-Sides

Song Author

Kele Okereke

Tabbed by

Josh Graham


1st → Kele Okereke
2nd → Gordon Moakes
3rd → Russell Lissack
4th → Kele Okereke Vocals
5th → Matt Tong
6th → Loop Guitarar

File Size

50 KB




On the hot-test ni-ght of th-e year Ly-ing in a patch of rho rho-do-den-drons A bot-tle of whis-ky un-der my arm Try-ing to count a sky full of sta-rs I dream of or-der, I dream of fle-ets Of Na-po-le-on in aq-ua-ma-r-ine He said "Lin-us put that blan-ket down You've slammed your door too man-y times" He said "Lin-us put that blan-ket down The world won't wa-it" Boy, what you gonn-a d-o with your life? Boy, what you gonn-a d-o with your life? Boy, what you gonn-a d-o with your life? Boy, what you gonn-a d-o with your life? When I was your age, I was com-man-ding fleets When I was your age, I was soaked in vic-tor-y And now you can't keep a job and you can't keep a wife What a horr-ib-le mess you're gonn-a make of your life Watched way too man-y A-mer-ic-an film-s To be John Wayne, Brand-o or James Dea-n Wait-ing so long for your wrists to get thick Wait-ing so long for the next great part-y So man-y ques-tions, so litt-le to say You don't need these weig-hts Boy, what you gonn-a d-o with your life? Boy, what you gonn-a d-o with your life? Boy, what you gonn-a d-o with your life? Boy, what you gonn-a d-o with your life? So you want to be an ar-tist, want to be a sing-er Want to be re-mem-bered for what you could cre-ate So you want to be a cow-boy, rid-ing to the dis-tance Nev-er have to lis-ten or an-swer to any-one So you want to be a box-er, sur-viv-ing on your in-stincts Re-ly-ing on your fists and the quick-ness of your wit Are you big-ger than these build-ings and the grey a-round you? Is your pain more worth-y than ev-ery-bod-y else? Drunk a-gain in the rho-do-den-drons Drunk a-gain in the rho-do-den-drons Drunk a-gain in the rho-do-den-drons Drunk a-gain in the rho-do-den-drons Drunk a-gain in the rho-do-den-drons Drunk a-gain in the rho-do-den-drons Drunk a-gain in the rho-do-den-drons Drunk a-gain in the rho-do-den-drons