Burn The Evidence
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 2:38 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Billy Talent II
Song Author
Billy Talent
File Size
64 KB
In a ga rage, be side a house,
there is a lu xu ry Se dan
And for his next mon thly in stall ment,
He's gon na go out with a bang!
Boy who al ways did what he was told,
Was pro mised to be king when he was old
Hit the brakes, hit the glass,
Time to shake the hands of fate
The mis takes of the past,
Flashed be fore his face
There is a man, in ten sive care
When he a wakes he will de clare,
"I've been dead for twen ty years!
I won't let twen ty more go by..."
Boy who al ways did what he was told,
Bought the on ly dream that he was sold
Hit the brakes, Hit the glass,
Time to shake the hands of fate
The mis takes of the past,
Flashed be fore his face
Burn the e vi dence... of my ex is tence,
Clear the a shes on the ground
Burn the e vi dence... of all these things,
That pull my spi rit down
Burn the e vi dence... of my ex is tence,
Clear the a shes on the ground
Burn the e vi dence... of all these things,
That pull my spi rit down
E ver feel like you've been chea ted,
Fol lo wing what they be lieve?
Don't shake the hands of fate,
Don't shake the hands of fate,
E ver feel like you've been chea ted,
Fol lo wing what they be lieve?
Don't shake the hands of fate,
There is no more time to waste!
Burn the e vi dence... of my ex is tence,
Clear the a shes on the ground
Burn the e vi dence... of all these things,
That pull my spi rit down
Burn the e vi dence... of my ex is tence,
Clear the a shes on the ground
Burn the e vi dence... of all these things,
That pull my spi rit down
Burn the e vi dence!
Burn the e vi dence!
Burn the e vi dence!
Don't shake the hands of fate,
Burn the e vi dence!
Burn the e vi dence!
Burn the e vi dence!
There's no more time to waste!