Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:08 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
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43 KB
U-n-br-o-ke-n u-n-changed re-le-nt-les r-e-gained what we have lost a gr-ip on re-al-i-ty scr-eamin' deep down with-i-n me I count the cost Ho-l-ding on in spite of the doubt al-ways I'-m tryin' to find it out that we could find a way back there be-yo-nd the moon right through the a-i-r Al-ways re-mem-bering Al-ways re-mem-bering Ho-l-ding on in spite of the doubt al-ways I'-m tryin' to find it out that we could find a way back there be-yo-nd the moon right through the a-i-r Al-ways re-mem-bering Al-ways re-mem-bering Al-ways re-mem-bering Al-ways re-mem-bering
This tab was created using the following software:
Guitar Pro 5.2
Amazing Slow Downer 3.2.3
This tab has NOT been optimised to be played back
with RSE - if you use RSE you may need to tweak
the volume levels etc. to suit your own software/taste.
Update History:
[ 1st October 2009 ]
* Tab completed