Watch Over You
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:07 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Alter Bridge
Song Author
Myles Kennedy
File Size
166 KB
Leaves are on the ground
Fall has come
Blue skies tur ning grey
Like my love
I tried to ca rry you
And make you whole
But it was ne ver en ough
I must go o o
And who o is gon na save you
When I'm gone?
And who o'll watch o ver you
When I'm gone?
You say you care for me
But hide it well
How can you lo ove some one not your se e elf?
And who o is gon na sa ave you
When I'm gone?
And who o'll watch o ver you
When I'm gone?
And when I'm gone
Who'll break your fall?
Who will you bla me?
I can't go on
And let you lose it all
more than I can ta ke
Who'll ease your pain?
Ease your pain
And who o is gon na save you when I'm gone?
And who o'll watch o ver you?
And who o will give you_s trength when you're not_s trong.
Who'll watch o ver you oh when I've gone a way?
Snow is on the ground
Win ters come
You long to hear my voice
But I'm long gone
This is the tab honored for the requested tab on the
site! (Give me the thanks!)
Ok, well, i took some parts from my Watch Over You
acoustic tab, and y added the drums and bass and all
the other instruments on the song on the album vesion,
so i hope you like it.
Enjoy it and
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