Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:18 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
From Here To Infirmary
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57 KB
I wrote the words to this song on the back of a pho-to-graph
Be-hind your back it goes
A li-ttle some-thing like this
Is way to big to miss
I got a le-tter 'the mail
The sen-der failed to let me know where it came from
O-pened it up and sure e-nough there we were
arm in arm a-gain
I know it's small but my last call's been called
half an ho-ur 'go
I know it's late but do you think you could 'least
fix it for me
Then I'll go I'll go a-lone I swear
I won't tell a soul
I'll drink this beer and write in fear
of a song e-very-bo-dy hates
Ar-ma-ge-ddon, let the light in
Be-fore we say good-bye give us some-thing to be-lieve in
Ar-ma-ge-ddon, we're not be-gging
For too much I don't think
'need a good-bye kiss
Be-fore we sink
I wrote the words to this song on the back of a pho-to-graph
Be-hind your back it goes
A li-ttle some-thing like this
Is way to big to miss
I got a le-tter 'the mail
The sen-der failed to let me know where it came from
O-pened it up and sure e-nough there we were up
in arm a-gain
Ar-ma-ge-ddon, let the light in
Be-fore we say good-bye give us some-thing to be-lieve in
Ar-ma-ge-ddon, we're not be-gging
For too much I don't think
'need a good-bye kiss
Be-fore we sink
We sink, we si-nk, we sink, we si-i-i-ink
Ar-ma-ge-ddon, let the light in
Be-fore we say good-bye give us some-thing to be-lieve in
Ar-ma-ge-ddon, we're not be-gging
For too much I don't think
'need a last sa-lute
Be-fore we sink