Eyes of the Dawn
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:22 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Words that go unspoken... deeds that go undone
Song Author
David Gray
File Size
87 KB
Disclaimer: yes, I know I've been lazy and
copied/pasted a lot of the drums rather than
painstakingly doing all the fills. Deal with it. I've done
the same with bass in spots - the bass is also quite
hard to make out at parts, so sorry for any mistakes.
For the tapping part, put the left hand as if you were
playing an E octave (C string fourth fret, F string muted,
A# sixth fret) while you tap; let the left hand notes ring
out to get that sustained sound. Do the same when
the left hand plays the other octabes. If the tabbing
looks/sounds a bit confusing, I've just tried to replicate
how it's played; listen to the track if the sliding seems a
little weird.
When I saw the 'cocke live, Jason chucked his pick
away and tapped the 12 with his index and 13 with his
middle finger (Matt just did it with his middle finger and
held the pick). I find it much easier to be accurate
doing it Jason's way, but try both.