Diary of a Lovesong

by A Perfect Circle

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:31 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



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1st → Acoustic
2nd → Bass
3rd → Distortion
4th → Overdriven D Dropped
5th → Drums
6th → Choir
7th → Voice

File Size

61 KB




Scream ing out the wind ow watch me die an oth er day Hope less si tu ati on end less pri ce i'll have to pa y Di a ry of of a mad man wa lk the line ag ain to da y Entri es of con fu sion dear dia ry i'm here to stay sa ni ty now and beyond me i will al ways love you how ev er long i sta y i will al ways love you what ev er words i sa y i will al ways love you the re's no choice When ev er i'm alo ne with you you make me feel who le again voic es in the dark ness scre am aw ay my ment al health can i ask a questi on to help me save me from my self. Sa ni ty now and beyond me i will al ways love you how ev er long i sta y i will al ways love you what ev er words i sa y i will al ways love you the re's no choice