Lost in Deliverance

by Celesty

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Reign of Elements

Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Vocals
2nd → Guitar
3rd → Backing Vocals
4th → Bass
5th → Rhythm Guitar
6th → Keyboard
7th → Drums
8th → Keyboard Solo
9th → Keyboard II

File Size

110 KB




[Shemin] I+feel the pain in my heart, I must ride. I es-caped but I won't lose my pride. My horse shall lead my way to An-do-ri-a town, from there I can con-tact Great Go~ ods. Spi-rits will give me po-wer and force. I re-mem-ber how God's slain to+the ground, screams of pain and spilled blood all a-round. I still he-ar his laugh-ter of triumph in my ears, I no lon-ger feel+the po-wer of i-ce. Spi-rits will give me more strength to rise. To An-do-ri-a town I must ri-de and con-tact Great Spi-rits, they are on my side. I must find a way to sur-vi-ve. His po-wers are great, but I must not hide. The Spi-rits will help me to fight, the glo-ry of vic-to-ry is in my sight. Now hu-rry my horse, I must be there be-fore the night. I can-not fail. Af-ter ho-urs of ri-ding, I'm lost. Vi-llage of+El-ger please help me, you must. [Amardon] I'm Sir A+mar-don I'm a man with ho-nor and pride, I will lead your way in-to that to~ own. Fare-well peo-ple my des-ti-ny's found. To An-do-ri-a town we must ri-de and con-tact Great Spi-rits, they are on our side. We must find a way to sur-vi-ve. His po-wers are great, but we must not hide. The Spi-rits will help us to fight, the glo-ry of vic-to-ry is in our sight. Now hu-rry my horse, we must be there be-fore the night. we can-not fail. To An-do-ri-a town we must ri-de and con-tact Great Spi-rits, they are on our side. We must find a way to sur-vi-ve. His po-wers are great, but we must not hide. The Spi-rits will help us to fight, the glo-ry of vic-to-ry is in our sight. Now hu-rry my horse, we must be there be-fore the night. we can-not fail.


Tabbed by CoreFusionX http://www.celesty.net