A Warrior's Call
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 6:28 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Beyond Hell/Above Heaven
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92 KB
Let' get rea-dy to rum-ble!
Feel the fi-re, he's ent'-ring the ring!
His mind-set on-ly knows how to wi-n.
This Da-nish figh-ter will break you in two!
You will feel all his po-wer!
The Vi-king war-ri-or Mik-kel Kess-ler will now brand his name
in the back of your head!
Yeah! You feel the floor a-gain!
Un-lea-shing his hell you will not e-ven hear the bell!
May-be you're strong but you don't stay a chance.
Feel the po-wer of a war-ri-or! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Let's get rea-dy to- rum-ble!-
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Brea-king your re-cord and brea-king your bones!
Born a war-ri-or with a code!-
A cham-pion fee-ding your face with a fist!
You will feel all his po-wer!
The Vi-king war-ri-or Mik-kel Kess-ler will now brand his name
in the back of your head!
Yeah! You feel the floor a-gain!
Un-lea-shing his hell you will not e-ven hear the bell!
May-be you're strong but you don't stay a chance.
Feel the po-wer of a war-ri-or! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Let's get rea-dy to- rum-ble!-
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
A gla-di-a--tor's left and ho-ok.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Feel the pa-in to--mor--row!
Be-hold here comes the son
Be-lieve it he was born to be the cho-sen one!--
The call's for a war-ri-or oh
His name will e-cho on the sea and on the grou-nd!
Feel the fi-re, he's ent'-ring the ring!
His mind-set on-ly knows how to wi-n.
This Da-nish figh-ter will break you in two!
You will feel all his po-wer!
The Vi-king war-ri-or Mik-kel Kess-ler will now brand his name
in the back of your head!
Yeah! You feel the floor a-gain!
Un-lea-shing his hell you will not e-ven hear the bell!
May-be you're strong but you don't stay a chance.
Feel the po-wer of a war-ri-or! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Let's get rea-dy to- rum-ble!-
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
A gla-di-a--tor's left and ho-ok.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Feel the pa-in to--mor--row!
Be-hold here comes the son
Be-lieve it he was born to be the cho-sen one!--
The call's for a war-ri-or oh
His name will e-cho on the sea and on the grou-nd!