Don't Take Me For Granted

by Social Distortion

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:43 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Sex, Love and Rock'n'Roll

Song Author

Mike Ness

Tabbed by

Mean Marty


1st → Guitar
2nd → Bass
3rd → Vocals
4th → Drums

File Size

45 KB




I�m your wo-rn in leath-er jack-et, I'm the vol-ume in your f***ed up teen-aged band, a pack of smokes and a six-pack, I'm the dreams you had walking down rail-road tracks you and me, I'm your first taste of ro-mance, I�m your first bro-ken heart on a sat-ur-day night, guys like us aint got no chance, but I'm the thing that keeps you and me a live, but not for for-ever, So take me down the road, take me to the show, it's some-thing to be-live in, that no one else knows, but don't take me for grant-ed, I'm the blood on your guit-ar, I'm that wave you caught back in nine-teen-sev-en-ty-five, I'm as strong as a thous-and ar-mies, I'm as soft as a pedal on a long stem rose, I am love, So take me down the road, take me to the show, it's some-thing to be-live in, that no one else knows, but don't take me for grant-ed, I'm with you when you're born, you can take me when you die, with all the rea-sons why, don't take me for grant-ed, So take me down the road, take me to the show, it's some-thing to be-live in, that no one else knows, but don't take me for grant-ed, I'm with you when you're born, you can take me when you die, with all the rea-sons why, don't take me for grant-ed, no no no, don't take me for grant-ed, no no no, hey, don't take me for grant-ed