Can't Stop
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:49 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
By the Way
Song Author
Anthony Keidis, Flea, John Frusciate and Chad Smith
File Size
74 KB
Can't stop add ic ted to the shin dig.
Cop top, he says I'm gon na win big.
Choose not a life of im i ta tion.
Dis tant cous in to the res er va tion.
De funk't the pis tol that you pay for.
This punk the feel ing that you say for.
In time I want to be your best friend.
East Side love is liv ing on the west end.
Knock'd out but boy you bet ter come to.
Don't die you know the truth is sub dued.
Go write your mes sage on the pave ment.
Burn so bright I won der what the wave meant.
White heat is scream ing in the jun gle.
Com plete the mo tion if you stum ble.
Don't ask the dusk for a ny an swers.
Come back strong with fif ty bel ly dan cers.
The world I love, the tears I've dropped, to be part of the wave can't stop.
Ev er won der if it's all for you?
The world I love, the trains I've hopped, to be part of the wave can't stop.
Come and tell me when it's time to...
Sweet heart is bleed ing in the snow cone.
So smart, she's lead ing me to o zone.
Mu sic the great com un i ca tor.
Use two sticks to make it in the na ture.
I'll get you in thru pen e tra tion.
The gen der of a gen er a tion.
The birth of ev 'ry oth er na tion.
Worth your weight the gold of med i ta tion.
This chap ter's gon na be a close one.
Smoke rings, I know you're gon na blow one.
All on a space ship per ser ver ing.
Use my hands for a ny thing but steer ing.
Can't stop the spir its when they need you.
Mop tops are hap py when they feed you.
J. But ter fly is in the tree top.
Birds that blow the mean ing in to be bop.
The world I love, the tears I've dropped, to be part of the wave can't stop.
Ev er won der if it's all for you?
The world I love the trains I hopped, to be part of the wave cant stop.
Come and tell me when it's time to.
Wait a min ute I'm pass ing out, win or lose, just like you.
Far more shock ing than an y thing I ev er knew, how 'bout you?
Ten more rea sons why I need some bo dy new, just like you. (oh)
Far more shock ing than an y thing I ev er knew, right on cue.
Can't stop ad dic ted to the shin dig.
Cop top, he says I'm gon na win big.
Choose not the life of im i ta tion.
Dis tant cou sin to the res er va tion.
De funk't the pis tol that you pay for
This punk the feel ing that you stay for.
In time I want to be your best friend.
East Side love is liv ing on the west end.
Knock out but boy, you bet ter come to.
Don't die, you know the truth is sub dued.
Go write your mes sage on the pave ment.
Burn so bright I won der what the wave meant.
Kick start the gol den gen er a tor.
Sweet talk but don't in ti mi date her.
Can't stop the gods from en gin eer ing.
Feel no need for an y in ter fer ing.
Your im age in the dic tion a ry.
This life is more than or din ar y.
Can I get you may be ev en three of these.
Comin' from a space to teach you of the Pliedes.
Can't stop the spir its when they need you, this life is more than just a read through.
for the ska stumming, do dead notes by palm muting
the strings as your pick is hitting the strings and then
doing upstrokes for the notes.
down/up strumming pattern with downs muted.