Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:58 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Matt Johnson.
File Size
20 KB
We cut the legs off of our pants
Threw our shoes in-to the o-cean
Lay back and wave through the day-light
Sit back and wave through the day-light
Slip and slide on sub- way grates
These shoes are a poor mans ice skates
Fall through like change in the day-light
Fall through like change in the day-light
I miss yel-low lines in my roads
Some col-or on mon -o-chrome
May-be I'll paint them in my-self
May-be I'll paint them in my-self
May-be I'll paint them in my-self
May-be I'll paint them in my-self
May-be I'll paint them in my-self
May-be I'll paint them in my-self
These side-walks liq-uid then stone
Build-ing walls and an old pay phone
It rings like all through the day-light
It rings like all through the day-light
day-light we can hitch hike to Maine
I hope that some day I'll see with-out these frames
And in the day-light I don't pick up my phone
Cause in the day-light an-y-where feels like home