Jack's Lament
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 8:08 p.m.
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The Nightmare Before Christmas
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33 KB
There are few who'd de-ny at what I do I am the best, for my tal-ents are re-nowned far and wide. When it comes to sur-pris-es on a moon-lit night, I ex-cel with-out ev-er e-ven try-ing. With the slight-est lit-tle ef-fort of my ghost-like charms I have seen grown men give out a shriek. With the wave of my hand and a well-placed moan I have swept the ver-y brav-est off their feet.
Yet year af-ter year, it's the same rou-tine, and I grow so wea-ry of the sound of screams. And I, Jack, the Pump-kin King, have grown so tir-ed of the same old thing.
Oh, some-where deep in-side of these bones, an emp-ti-ness be-gan to grow. There's some-thing out there, far from my home. A long-ing that I've nev- er known.
I'm a mas-ter of fright and a de-mon of light, and I'll scare you right out of your pants. To a guy in Ken-tuck-y, I'm _ Mis-ter Un-luck-y and I'm known through-out Eng- land and France. And since I am dead, I can take off my head to re-cite Shake-spear-e-an quo-ta-tions. No an-i-mal, no man can scream like I can with the fu-ry of my re- ci -ta-tions.
But who here would ev-er un-der-stand that the Pump-kin King with the skel-e-ton grin would ti-re of his crown? If they on-ly un-der-stood, he'd give it all up if he on-ly could.
Oh, there's an emp-ty place in my bones that calls out for some-thing un-known. The fame and praise come year af-ter year, does noth-ing for these emp- ty tears.